Albino Smiles – June 2015

Off-season Travel Has its Rewards One of the most commonly searched-for phrases by travellers is: “what’s the best time to visit ____?” It is logical of course – very few people want to go to Canada in the dead of winter, or Japan during typhoon season. Thankfully, Southeast Asia is free of blizzards and […]
Vietnam: North, South and the Middle
One of the obstacles with vacations is that they’re never as long as you want them to be – there’s always that one extra country you could have seen, that one province that was just a bit too far away, the last attraction that didn’t make your final cut. But one of the great things […]
Deciphering Vietnam’s Weather
Vietnam is an amazing country to visit any time of year because it has so many things to offer. Due to its shape – long and narrow, covering 1,650km – there are a vast range of climates and landscapes available, from sandy beaches to misty mountains to steamy, crowded cities. So when is the […]