Cambodia’s Coast

Cambodia’s Best (mostly) Unknown Waterfront Destinations. For a number of reasons – marketing, Leonardo DiCaprio in The Beach, geographic jackpot, and just plain luck – Thailand is what people think about when they hear Southeast Asian beaches. But if you pan that Google Map to the left… bit more… bit more… you’ll see Cambodia, Southeast […]
Swim safe in Southeast Asia

Every year millions of people make their way to Southeast Asia to relax on a beach, swim in the warm water, and post Facebook pictures of white sand and blue ocean, making their friends more than just a little jealous. At Smiling Albino, we heartily support this endeavour, but as hosts, we also have to […]
Behind the Scenes of a Smiling Albino Trip – Part 4

Photo: The Smiling Albino sales team, Bangkok. Like many industries, the travel and tour business is a lot like an iceberg – what you see is only a small fraction of the whole package. From a client’s point of view, most any service they pay for – be it getting a package from FedEx, sending […]
Five Ways To Ensure a Great Smiling Albino Holiday

Everyone wants their holiday to be perfect. The time and money spent travelling are valuable particularly when you tally-in the wealth of memories you bring back. So, here’s a little professional advice on how to get the most out of a Smiling Albino trip that we’ve compiled from experience. We’re not talking about Mom’s well-intentioned […]
Behind the Scenes of a Smiling Albino Trip – Part 1

Above: The Smiling Albino Team (that’s Queen in the blue dress on the far right). Like many industries, the travel and tour business is a lot like an iceberg – what you see is only a small fraction of the whole package. From a client’s point of view, most any service they pay for – […]