Angkor Wat in One Day
Tips and travel advice for exploring Angkor Wat in one day.
Culture vs Adventure: The Difference Between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai
Culture vs Adventure: The Difference Between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai 12 July 2020 Thailand’s two famous northern cities sound similar, but are actually quiet different. It’s very possible to love both equally, but for wholly dissimilar reasons. Family Dynamics Ah, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai—two destinations that sound so similar yet offer such delightfully […]
Importance of Family – Albino Smiles, April 2014
Importance of Family Several weeks ago I was enjoying a few lazy minutes going through my twitter feed (@danbfraser) before getting out of bed in the morning, when I came across a beautiful sunset picture posted by a friend in New York. As I looked out my window and saw the blazing red hues of […]
Vietnam: North, South and the Middle
One of the obstacles with vacations is that they’re never as long as you want them to be – there’s always that one extra country you could have seen, that one province that was just a bit too far away, the last attraction that didn’t make your final cut. But one of the great things […]
Rustic Chic Bagan vs. Classic Siem Reap
There are many difficult decisions to make in life: rare vs. well done, white vs. red wine, Coke vs. Pepsi, etc. Travel is no different, and one of the more difficult questions out there when you come to Southeast Asia is whether you should hit the amazing, breathtaking temple complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia, or […]