A Pre-Covid Myanmar Journey, Part 1

A Pre-Covid Myanmar Journey, Part 1 26 may 2020 Despite having lived in Southeast Asia for nearly seven years I didn’t get a chance to explore Myanmar for the first time until very recently (March 2020). The so-called “Golden Land” has been at the top of my travel list for years now and as I […]
Why do we travel?

Everything Smiling Albino does comes from the Why. Our Why is what quantifies and aligns us, both as a company and as individuals.
Personal Thoughts from Dan Fraser on the Covid-19 Coronavirus

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Smiling Albino Celebrates 15 Years With New Bangkok HQ

As we begin 2016, Smiling Albino celebrates 15 successful years of pioneering luxury and adventure travel in Southeast Asia. It has been a lot of fun and we cherish all the new friends we’ve made, as well as all the fabulous experiences and achievements. The last quarter of 2015 was been a busy time […]
Adventure Honeymoons Done Right

Adventure honeymoons, with a side of luxury, are a great way to get to know each other and build a strong foundation for a happy and long marriage, Smiling Albino can customize the perfect experience with a couple’s personalities in mind.