An Open Letter About the Coup in Myanmar

The 2021 coup in Myanmar comes at a time when the country is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on for details about the situation.
A Pre-Covid Myanmar Journey, Part 1

A Pre-Covid Myanmar Journey, Part 1 26 may 2020 Despite having lived in Southeast Asia for nearly seven years I didn’t get a chance to explore Myanmar for the first time until very recently (March 2020). The so-called “Golden Land” has been at the top of my travel list for years now and as I […]
Smiling Albino Founder Named Condé Nast Traveler’s Top Travel Specialist

Smiling Albino Founder Named Condé Nast Traveler’s Top Travel Specialist 21 april 2020 Since founding Smiling Albino in 1999, Dan has lived in Bangkok and roves between his teams in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam non-stop. But, Dan is so much more than our founder and CEO at Smiling Albino. Dan also hosts his own TV show […]
Travel From Home: Our Favorite Virtual Travels

[cmsmasters_row data_shortcode_id=”ntyx2d9v6q” data_width=”boxed” data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”20″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″ data_shortcode_id=”aefxeihnhu” data_animation_delay=”0″ data_border_style=”default” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_position=”top center”][cmsmasters_heading shortcode_id=”1or6nfi1xh” type=”h3″ font_weight=”default” font_style=”default” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]As the world stays home, virtual travel experiences are taking off. Here are a few things we’re following. [/cmsmasters_heading][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_shortcode_id=”a17l9gv0zp” data_width=”boxed” data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”0″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″ data_shortcode_id=”pknl8iiwtm” data_animation_delay=”0″ data_border_style=”default” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” […]
New Luxury – Albino Smiles Nov., 2014
Smiling Albino’s intuitive look into the changing travel industry this month focuses on New Luxury — from fashion, to travel, to education — transends customary luxury & consists of tailor-made, experiential, relational & narratable experiences