Five Ways To Ensure a Great Smiling Albino Holiday

Everyone wants their holiday to be perfect. The time and money spent travelling are valuable particularly when you tally-in the wealth of memories you bring back. So, here’s a little professional advice on how to get the most out of a Smiling Albino trip that we’ve compiled from experience. We’re not talking about Mom’s well-intentioned […]
What are surprises for? Albino Smiles, June 2014
What are surprises for? The unexpected is a part of life, and sometimes, when it is sudden and provokes an emotional response, we call it surprise. We’ve all experienced surprise and know that it can be neutral, pleasant, or unpleasant. Smiling Albino of course likes to focus on the best kinds of surprises, and operating […]
Importance of Family – Albino Smiles, April 2014
Importance of Family Several weeks ago I was enjoying a few lazy minutes going through my twitter feed (@danbfraser) before getting out of bed in the morning, when I came across a beautiful sunset picture posted by a friend in New York. As I looked out my window and saw the blazing red hues of […]