Is Travel the Best Education?

Travel can be a valuable education for families with school-aged children. You’ll be pleasantly amazed how many travel experiences and lessons young people soak up. Smiling Albino plans family holidays in Southeast Asia.
How to teach children to observe and respect the cultures you’re visiting.
Children take cues from their parents for most aspects of life. That applies to travel and behaviour in new situations, too. We can ensure our children become good travellers who respect the people whose countries they’re visiting by teaching them a few basic rules of travel. There are four tips, easily applied to any situation […]
Don’t waste your valuable time! – Albino Smiles, July 2014
Don’t waste your valuable time! Time management. Efficiency. Productivity. You might not realize it, but your holiday has begun the minute you contact Smiling Albino. Sure, some people like to “do it themselves” and piece together a trip based on information gleaned from old Internet blog postings or out-of-date travel guide books, but the most […]
Benefits of Travel for Kids: Plus Tips for Making it Easier
Benefits of Travel for Kids: Plus Tips for Making it Easier Travel is good for kids. But do you know why? Travel teaches our children things they couldn’t learn any other way. Things like confidence, competence, and cultural diversity. Travel shows our kids that the world is bigger than they are, and that people are […]