Smiling Albino

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Health & Safety Standards: Preparing for the Return of Travel

20 July 2020

As the world has seen the complete halt of travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DMC community in Thailand has been hard at work formulating and implementing standards that will solidify Thailand and its tourism facilitators as a destination that is safe for travel. 

The Thailand Hygiene Plus Initiative (THPI) has been developed by a group of leading Destination Management Companies (DMCs), operating in Thailand’s tourism industry, to create a safe and healthy environment for travelers, with the aim to get the message out to potential travelers. 

The standards cover six areas: Offices, Staff, Ground Teams, Meals, Vehicles and Transportation, and Sports Equipment and Facilities. The standards include but are not limited to those to be certified by the “Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration” (SHA).

What's in the standards?

In addition to keeping our offices extra-clean and super-sanitized, our office staff are constantly monitored to keep ourselves and each other safe. Though, it’s what’s happening on the ground that we’re excited to share with you. 

Ground Teams

  • Guides and drivers’ temperatures must be checked and recorded before work and they must be sent to the doctor if the temperature is too high. Any persons with interaction with an individual showing a fever will be immediately notified.
  • Guides and drivers must wear a mask or face shield.
  • Greet/welcome clients using a traditional wai greeting to minimize physical contact and maintain social distancing. 
  • Guides and drivers to maintain at least 2 meter distancing from clients when possible. 
  • Guides to give a proper briefing to the clients on the measures we have taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and request them to cooperate for their health, safety and environmental concerns. (not to touch the face, wash hands, no shaking hands). 
  • Hand sanitiser, masks available for all clients if needed. 
  • Guides to sanitise hands regularly and before handling food. 
  • Guides to handle all banknotes and coins for all trip expenses. 
  • Contactless payments where possible.


  • Wash or sanitise hands before all snacks, meals.
  • Guides to wipe down any tables and chairs not already sanitised by restaurant/food vendor.
  • For sharing dishes, communal serving utensils to be used.
  • Practice social distancing recommended by each venue.
  • Chefs, cooks, service staff to wear face masks (where enforceable).

Vehicles & Transportation

  • Vehicles disinfected and sanitised before each use (drivers to keep a log of these activities).
  • Hand sanitiser, masks available for all clients if needed.
  • Food and beverage in the car must be provided in line with food and beverage sanitary standards.
  • All touch points in the vehicles need to be cleaned after every service. Including door handles, seat cushions, handlebars.

Sports Equipment

  • Sports equipment cleaned and sanitised before and after each use (this includes gloves, helmets, paddles, etc.)
“When COVID hit the industry our collective focus was on the swift and safe return of travel. The implementation a of united standard for future travel, formed through the collaboration of our peers, was natural,” says Daniel Fraser of Smiling Albino. “Collectively changing for the better, to create a safe and healthy travel experience for each DMC’s travelers shows that we are in this together and stronger as one.”

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